G-YLWN60TW46 The friendly neighborhood Wine-Enthusiast
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The friendly neighborhood Wine-Enthusiast

Hello, let me introduce myself: I am a full-time working mom of 2 littles (ages 3 and 6) with my main gig in healthcare, trying to dedicate quality time to the family all the while studying to get my Italian Wine Scholar and WSET2 certifications. To make things even more hectic, we recently moved to California wine country and I was immediately invited to join a wonderful wine group that meets weekly for blind tastings. Through this group, I have gained access to many special events that I would otherwise not been aware of - so I have to attend them all, right? Ya, not enough hours in the day or days in the week for my job, my family and my passion.

Well, even when I am not at a wine event, the topic often seems to turn to wine. I am just so enthusiastic about all the new wines that I am trying and all the new knowledge I am gaining that I simply cannot contain my excitement. I mean, have you ever had a wine from Bosnia, Switzerland, or Armenia? I have and they are fantastic.

As a matter of fact, I have a habit of drinking somewhat rare and hard to find wines from all corners of the world and have developed a bit of a reputation for bringing highly unusual wines to our tastings. Even when I bring a white Burgundy (Chardonnay) or a Napa Cabernet Sauvignon it is assumed that I have brought some exotic grape from the unknown reaches of winedom. This is what makes wine so much fun, there is always a surprise. Even the most knowledgeable of the wine geeks in any circle can and will still be stumped or have a wine that is completely new to them. THIS is my driving force, I realize that no matter how much I know that there will always be something new to learn about wine.

For example, I recently hosted a Nebbiolo (black grape from Piedmont, Italy) tasting with 12 wines from northwest Italy including maps and tons of info for my wine group friends.

Now let me tell you that many of them have been formally tasting wine together since I was in high school, or even before, but they still thoroughly enjoyed the deep dive into the grape, the region, climate and maps. So why not provide lectures tailored to my personal interests as well as the desires of my friends and followers?

A recent survey of my neighbors suggested topics such as wine associated headaches, low sugar/ keto friendly wines, sparkling and rose wines, etc. Of course I have a few topics of my own in mind which include tasting a single grape variety from multiple continents and a deep dive into whites and / or light reds which are perfect for the hot summers of the California Central Valley.

Suggestions?? Let me know and stay tuned as I will be posting when the main gig and family time permit. Cheers.

Also sorry about the corny title, but my son makes me watch The Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man all the time...

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